Thank you for your interest in a MCC SERVE WEEK at Merriwood Christian Camp.
What is MCC Serve Team?
Merriwood Serve Team is an opportunity for rising 9th graders and above to volunteer in one-week sessions during our summer camp season. Serving will allow the student to be discipled while also helping in behind the scenes roles of the camp (like in the dining hall and kitchen, canteen, and with our day camp weeks as counselor helpers/paddle boat helpers/craft helpers). Serve Team should also be signed up to attend a camp week as camper, their appropriate camp week.
Why Serve at Merriwood?
– Opportunity to connect with MCC’s program and mission
– Be challenged to grow in your spiritual growth both at camp and after you leave camp
– Learn how to be a relational team player
– Learn how service can be an act of worship, whether being a Counselor in Training with day campers, serving at the canteen, or setting up or cleaning up the dining hall
– Have a blast!
– Get excited about the potential of spending a full summer in paid ministry at Merriwood in the future
Time-frame for applications and decisions:
– Serve Week applications will be available online through the registration portal, or HERE starting Nov. 1st, 2024 for the Summer 2025 season.
– Deadline for Serve Team applications is Friday, January 31, 2025.
– Decisions will be made and our goal will be to connect back with applicants by Friday, Feb 28th, 2025 with what week(s) they have been selected for.
Grades and Serve Week availability:
– Rising 9th graders and above are able to apply. Rising 9th are allowed to volunteer for Day Camp Serve Weeks only.
– Rising 10th graders are welcome to apply for Day Camp, Junior Weeks, or Middle School Week Serve Weeks.
– Rising 11th graders and above are able to apply for Day Camp, Junior Weeks, Middle School Weeks, or Early Teen Week Serve Weeks.
** There will be a Serve Team Training Day for those serving either Day Camp Week this summer. This meeting is tentatively set for Saturday, May 31, 2025, approximately 9:30 am-1:00 pm (lunch will be included). More details will go out when serve team confirmations are done, end of February, and a google form RSVP will be sent out end of April 2025. Although the orientation is not required, it is extremely helpful. Please plan to attend if possible.
Before you begin the application process, please view the MCC SERVE WEEK Q&A. This should answer any questions you or your parents have about volunteering for MCC. (At the end of the application, parents will be required to sign saying that they’ve read this information.)
Application Process:
- If you are a past camper, volunteer parents should use their Username and Password to sign you into the system. This will be the same information they use to register you online for camp. (If you do not remember the information, have them click “Forgot your login information?” and it will be emailed or texted to you.) If you are a new camper, create a new account from that link.
- After logging in, please click on “Register for This Session” at the bottom, rather than “View All Upcoming Sessions.” You will see SERVE WEEK APPLICATION 2025 if the child is rising 9th grade or older.
- Each question that has a little red asterisk(*) beside it is a required field. You will not be able to go to the next page of information until all required fields on that page are filled in.
- At the end of the application, parents will have to get online with you and sign their name electronically.
- Note: MCC takes the Serve Week application seriously. Because of the time it takes to place Serve Week Volunteers in specific weeks as well as to ensure reliability for volunteers to stay true to their commitment to the Serve Week they are entrusted with, there will be a $25 non-refundable registration fee to complete the SERVE WEEK application.
Inquiries or Concerns: Please contact Jenn Key at
This page updated 10/25/24
We have opportunities for Adult Volunteers to help out on many different levels, including: as-needed, monthly, weekly. Some of the opportunities/roles include helping with grounds, electrical, building, maintenance and repairs, mailings, etc.
If you are a past summer team member, we always need you as extra Serve Team for our Teen Week each summer. Please contact Jenn Key at or 336-766-5151 for an adult volunteer application.