MCC’s Teen Week continues to be well loved and much-awaited!  Starting in Summer 2025, Teen Week will be for rising 11th, 12th, and Graduated Seniors.  (Rising 10th graders will attend our new program, Early Teen Week.) Please make a note of this grade change and camp week addition if you are rising 10th grade. We hope to see you at either Early Teen Week or our original Teen Week, depending on your grade.

Our Teen Week is one of a kind!

TEEN WEEK: During this 7-day, 6 night program, campers will have the opportunity for positive, co-ed interaction through being grouped in co-ed teams for some activities. Campers will work together to analyze problems and situations, thereby establishing personal standards of conduct based on God’s Word.  Highlights of the week include a full Expedition Day on Tuesday, Camper/Staff volleyball and basketball games, the Thursday Event, and team competitions.

TEEN WEEK Expedition Day:  Campers will have four options!
– The first option is a 17 mile scenic bike ride down the VA Creeper Trail in Damascus, Virginia. (Those signing up for biking should be able to successfully and safely ride a bike.)
– The second option is White Water Rafting on the Upper New River in West Virginia (class 1-3 rapids).
– The third option is White Water Rafting on the Lower New River in West Virginia (class 1-5 rapids).
– The fourth option is a day hike and picnic lunch at Stone Mountain State Park in Roaring Gap, NC.  Located in Alleghany and Wilkes counties 60 miles northwest of Winston-Salem, Stone Mountain State Park is home to the 600-foot granite dome that is a designated National Natural Landmark.  The park offers nearly all types of outdoor activity to experience a high country landscape adorned with beautiful waterfalls, winding creeks, and bountiful trout streams.

The VA Creeper Trail trip is an additional fee of $55. White water rafting on the Upper New River (class 1-3 rapids) is an additional fee of $75. Rafting on the Lower New River (class 1-5) is an additional $85.  Hiking option does not carry an additional fee. More details on this are available in the registration process.
*There was substantial damage to the Virginia Creeper Trail as a result of Hurricane Helene. At this time, we are still hoping for the biking trip option, but reserve the right to change the expedition if necessary.

We are confident that our co-ed, residential, Teen Week will train campers how to live like Christ in their communities and encourage them in their faith as they face the year ahead.

Camp Store: MCC’s store will be open during at different times throughout the camp week as well as at drop off and pick up.

OVERNIGHT CAMP DETAILS will be available as time nears with more information concerning what to bring, dress code, camper/parent communication, online camp bank, online photo gallery, lost and found, and other policies.


Online registration for Summer Camp 2025 opened Nov 1, 2024.  Please scroll down for details.   Page last updated 2/11/25.


GRADES: For rising 11th-rising College Freshmen (Rising 10th graders will attend Early Teen Week)
DATES: July 6-12, 2025 – Full for Girls. Waiting list available through online portal. Waiting list details here. Spaces available for Guys.
ARRIVAL:  Sunday afternoon between 4:00-5:00 pm. (MCC is not able to accommodate early arrivals.)
DEPARTURE: Saturday morning, 9:30 am
RATES: $520
EXPEDITION DAY: Expedition Day will be Tuesday, July 8, 2025. All campers will attend one of the day trip options.
– Sign up and options available during the online registration process.
– Choices include: Hiking-no additional fee; Biking- additional $55; Rafting on Upper New River (class 1-3 rapids) -additional $75; Rafting on Lower New River (class 1-5 rapids) -additional $85   *The Virginia Creeper Trail (bike trip) sustained significant damage as a result of Hurricane Helene. Our hope is to still have this trip, but MCC reserves the right to change the expedition if necessary. 

MCC’s Deposit, Balance, Refund, Fees, Transfer & Cancellation Policy: Please check your school, sports, and personal calendar before registering for a camp week. Refunds will not be given to those who register for a camp week and then cancel due to a schedule conflict. Deposits: A non-refundable $75 deposit is required to reserve your child’s space in a camp week. Balances: The remaining camp fees are due two months before your camp week begins. If you are unable to pay the balance two months prior to camp, please contact the registrar (registration@campmerriwood.net) to request a payment extension. Final payments not made within one month of the start date will be assessed a $25 late fee and/or may result in forfeiting the camper’s space.  Cancellation: If the reservation is canceled more than two months prior to the camp week, all fees paid other than the $75 deposit will be refunded.  If the reservation is cancelled less than two months, but more than one month before the camp week, 50% of the fees paid will be refunded, less the $75 deposit. If the camp week is canceled less than one month prior to the camp week, no refund will be given. Some exceptions may be made if there is a medical emergency or a death in the immediate family.  (Verification may be required before a refund is processed.)   Transfers:  Transfers from one week to another are allowed as long as space is available. A $25 Transfer Fee will be assessed. Those wishing to cancel should contact the registrar as transfers cannot be done on the parent portal.  Overnight Camp Fee Protection now available for overnight weeks. See details here.

EXCEPTIONAL NEEDS?  Before registering, please call 336-766-5151 or email Hannah at office@campmerriwood.net so we can send you an electronic Exceptional Needs application.

LIFE THREATENING ALLERGY OR SPECIAL DIET?  Please call 336-766-5151 or email Hannah at office@campmerriwood.net to discuss any major life threatening allergies and so we can send you a Life Threatening Allergy Form or Special Diet Form (if non-life threatening).

Every time I come home from Merriwood I am a refreshed, a new person.

Teen Week Camper